您好,歡迎來到 Ur BEST 優百科網路書局


Basics in Pronunciation

$450 $405  

美語語音學 修訂版

$200 $180  

美語語音學 修訂版(with answer key)

$250 $225  

Hummingbird: The Pronunciation Course in American English

$250 $225  

Focus on Pronunciation: Principles and Practice for Effective Communication

$475 $428  

Focus on Pronunciation 1 (with 2 CDs)

$660 $594  

Focus on Pronunciation 2 (with 2CDs)

$660 $594  

Focus on Pronunciation 3 (with 2 CDs)

$680 $612  

Focus on Pronunciation 1 (Answer Key)

$220 $198  

Focus on Pronunciation 2 (Answer Key)

$220 $198  

Focus on Pronunciation 3 (Answer Key)

$220 $198  

Focus on Pronunciation 1 3/e (with MP3)

$780 $702  

Focus on Pronunciation 2 3/e (with MP3)

$780 $702  

Focus on Pronunciation 3 3/e (with MP3)

$780 $702