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Designing Language Courses

$630 $567  

500 Activities for the Primary Classroom

$880 $792  

Communicative Ideas:An Approach with Language Activities

$880 $792  

英語教學拓新與深化 New Horizions in English Language Teaching

$250 $225  

Planning Lessons and Courses:Designing Sequences of Work for the Language Classroom

$700 $630  

Teachers Handbook  2/e

$700 $630  


$500 $450  


$650 $585  

Linking Language and the Environment:Greening the ESL Classroom

$450 $405  

Monday Morning Guide to Comprehension

$450 $405  

Literacy Activities for Building Classroom Communities

$450 $405  

Through Other Eyes:Developing Empathy and Multicultural Perspectives in the Social Studies

$450 $405  

Inquiry in the Classroom:Creating It, Encouraging It, Enjoy It

$400 $360  

Fusing Science with Literature:Strategies and Lessons for Classroom Success

$400 $360  

EFL教學競戲面面觀 Aspects of EFL games 2/e

$400 $360  

Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes

$860 $774