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優百科>Readers 讀本>Talk About Texts>Level 14

TAT 14-1: It΄s Just Nature!

$150 $135  

TAT 14-2: Kancil and the Tiger

$150 $135  

TAT 14-3: Changing Materials

$150 $135  

TAT 14-4: Be a Water Saver

$150 $135  

TAT 14-5: Our Sun

$150 $135  

TAT 14-1: It΄s Just Nature! Teachers Edition

$200 $180  

TAT 14-2: Kancil and the Tiger Teachers Edition

$200 $180  

TAT 14-3: Changing Materials Teachers Edition

$200 $180  

TAT 14-4: Be a Water Saver Teachers Edition

$200 $180  

TAT 14-5: Our Sun Teachers Edition

$200 $180