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Linguistics for Everyone 2/e

$1600 $1440  

Linguistics: An Introduction

$580 $522  

Linguistics for Non-Linguists 5/e

$760 $684  

Language: Its Structure and Use 5/e

$700 $630  

Contemporary Linguistic Analysis:An Introduction 7/e

$1520 $1368  


$450 $405  

語言學新引-Introduction to Language 9/e

$860 $774  

The Origins and Development of the English Language 5/e

$600 $540  

Linguistics for Non-Linguists 4/e

$660 $594  

Contemporary Linguistic Analysis:An Introduction 6/e

$1360 $1224  

An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics 2/e

$960 $864  

對外漢語教學語法(修訂2版) A Pedagogical Grammar of Chinese

$600 $540  

Introducing English Linguistics

$860 $774  

How to Study Linguistics 2/e

$760 $684  

Phonetics:The Science of Speech

$825 $743  

A Course in Phonetics 6/e (with CD-ROM)

$720 $648  

A Course in Phonetics 5/e (with CD-ROM)

$580 $522  

A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Speakers of English

$500 $450  


$150 $135  

Introducing Phonetics and Phonology 3/e

$980 $882  

Introducing Phonetic Science

$980 $882  

Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics 2/e

$1260 $1134  

Introducing Phonetics and Phonology

$1100 $9902  


$250 $225  


$320 $288  

The History of the English Language: A Source Book

$475 $428  


$350 $315  

Phonology in English Language Teaching

$800 $720  

Syntax, Rhythm, and Tone: A Triangular Relationship

$175 $158  

Autosegmental & Metrical Phonology

$1000 $900  

A Prosodic Account of Tone, Stress, and Tone Sandhi in Chinese Languages

$300 $270  

Rhymes and Rhythm: A poem-based course for English pronunciation

$380 $342  

English Phonetics and Phonology

$1300 $1170  

Semantics 3/e

$1720 $1548  

Formal Semantics: An introduction

$1225 $1103  

Semantics in Generative Grammar

$1050 $945  

Grammar and Meaning

$650 $585  

Semiotics and Linguistics

$400 $360  

Semantics: Primes and Universals

$900 $810  

Comparing Directives: American English, Mandarin and Taiwanese English

$300 $270  

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