

全民英檢一路通:中高級 口說 模擬試題冊

$320 $288  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 閱讀 模擬試題冊

$220 $198  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 寫作 模擬試題冊

$160 $144  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 聽力 應試技巧錦囊

$420 $378  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 口說 應試技巧錦囊

$440 $396  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 閱讀 應試技巧錦囊

$300 $270  

全民英檢一路通:中高級 寫作 應試技巧錦囊

$260 $234  

What A Life 1:Stories of Amazing People (Beginning)

$275 $248  

What A Life 2:Stories of Amazing People (High Beginning)

$300 $270  

What A Life 3:Stories of Amazing People (Intermediate)

$325 $293  

全方位閱讀 中級

$220 $198  

高中英文閱讀必勝 Read to Win

$175 $158  

Insight 2: Focusing on reading and vocabulary skills

$225 $203  

Skillful: Reading and Writing (Foundation)(with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Skillful: Reading and Writing 1 (with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Skillful: Reading and Writing 2 (with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Skillful: Reading and Writing 3 (with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Skillful: Reading and Writing 4 (with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Mosaic 1 6/e (Reading)(With MP3)

$560 $504  

Interactions 1 6/e (Reading)(With MP3)

$560 $504  

Stories Worth Reading 1 (with CD)

$320 $288  

Skillful: Listening and Speaking 4 (with Digibook)

$550 $495  

Stories Worth Reading 2 (with CD)

$320 $288  

Views and Values 3/e

$520 $468  

Reading Formula with Note-Taking

$450 $405  

Interactions Access (Reading)(with CD) (Silver Edition)

$520 $468  

Interactions 1 (Reading)(with CD) (Silver Edition)

$520 $468  

Mosaic 1 (Reading)(with CD) (Silver Edition)

$520 $468  

Mosaic 2 (Reading)(with CD) (Silver Edition)

$520 $468  

Interactions Access 6/e (Reading)(With MP3)

$520 $468  

Interactions 2 6/e (Reading)(With MP3)

$560 $504  

Mosaic 2 6/e (Reading)(With MP3)

$560 $504  

Reflections 2/e

$300 $270  

Compass 2: Developing reading and vocabulary skills

$225 $203  

Compass 3: Developing reading and vocabulary skills

$225 $203  

Compass 2 (CD)

$150 $135  

Compass 3 (CD)

$150 $135  

Great American Stories 1 (3/e)

$300 $270  

Great American Stories 2 (3/e)

$300 $270  

Great American Stories 3 (3/e)

$300 $270  

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