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華語與文化之多元觀點 Perspectives on Chinese Language and Culture
供應商:Ur BEST

Editor:Ik-sang Eom 嚴翼相

Associate Editors:

Yea-Fen Chen 陳雅芬 Shih-Chang Hsin 信世昌
This book is based upon papers presented in the Second International Symposium on Chinese Regional Culture and Language, which was held in August 7-8, 2008 at Indiana University, Bloomington; and on additional papers that were submitted later for the monograph. All the papers were peer reviewed and revised before final inclusion. The articles in this book deal with a wide range of Chinese studies; however, they are all related to the cultural study of Chinese language, literature, pedagogy, and linguistics, areas to which Professor Emerita Margaret Mian Yan of Indiana University has devoted herself throughout her academic career. The contributors to this book are her friends, colleagues, and former students, who all shared the same desire to publish a book to commemorate her life-long devotion to the areas of Chinese pedagogy and dialectology on a special occasion of her 70th birthday.

Contents 目錄

• Personnel 編撰人員

• Authors 作者列表

• Preface 序言

Margaret Mian Yan 嚴棉教授

Ik-sang Eom 嚴翼相教授

Part One Language and Culture 語言與文化

• 漢語教學中的語言文化與非語言文化(Verbal Culture and Non-verbal Culture in Chinese Language Teaching)

/嚴棉(Margaret Mian Yan)

• The Usurpation of the Grandma Title “Nai.nai" in Mandarin Chinese (用普通話篡位作奶奶)

/洪越碧(Beverly Hong-Fincher)

• Exploring Set Expressions and Cultural Patterns in Taiwanese

Marital System and Sexism (台語固定語式和文化模式探索:傳統婚嫁和性別待遇)

/劉秀瑩、達金發(Hsiuying Liu & Chinfa Lien)

• Liu Yi and the Dragon Princess: Cantonese Opera Adaptations of a Yuan Dynasty Drama (柳毅傳書:雜劇改編的粵劇)/陳潔雯(Marjorie K.M. Chan)

• A Journey from Hancheng 漢城to Shouer 首爾:Linguistic Background and Popular Perception (從「漢城」到「首爾」的路程:語言背景與普羅認知)

/嚴翼相(Ik-sang Eom)

• 台灣文學的文化翻譯「不可譯」的教學意義(Cultural)Translation of Taiwan Literatures)

/邱子修(Tzuhsiu Chiu Beryl)

• Personal Freedom and Democracy: May Fourth Influence in Two Early Stage Plays of Xia Yan (五四運動對夏衍早期話劇的影響)

/Melissa Richardson (馬莉莎)

Part Two Chinese Pedagogy and Second Language Education

• 繽紛華語文教學(Learning Multi Colored Chinese)

/鄭錦全(Chin-Chuan Cheng)

• 華語教學之發展及其對於英語的迎合現象與反思(The Development of CSL and the Reflection for the Phenomenon of CSL''s English Favour)

/信世昌(Shih-Chang Hsin)

• 美國高中中級華語教材編寫的思考及實踐(Chaoyue: An Intermediate-Level Chinese Language Textbook Based upon the Standards for Foreign Language Learning)

/陳雅芬(Yea-Fen Chen)

• 在美國大學教中國文化課(Teaching Chinese Culture at an American University)

/王寄瀛(Wan, Chi-ying Alice)

• 教師語碼轉換動機研究-以在美任教之中文教師為例(Chinese Heritage Language Teachers'' Social Motivation for Code Switching)

/林秀惠(Hsiu-huei Lin Domizio)

• Summer Language Study Abroad in China or Taiwan:Roaming One-on-One Tutoring (暑期遊學台灣或大陸:一對一「漫遊」輔導)

/李麗君(Li-chun Caroline Lee-Thompson)

• To Learn Chinese, Just Go to China? Sustaining Independent Language Study in Target Language Settings (學中文,就去中國?如何在目標語言環境中維持語言學習)

/Don Snow (唐斯諾)


Part Three Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistic

• A Synchronic and Diachronic Study of the Southern Min Dialects of Penghu: A Progress Report (澎湖方言演變初探)

/Cornelius C. Kubler (顧百里)

• Analysis of Function Word and Content Word from a Pedagogical Perspective (從教學的視角來分析實詞和虛詞)

/李英哲(Ying-che Li)

• 現代漢語言詞類的教學語法(A Pedagogical Grammar of L2 Chinese Parts of Speech )

/鄧守信(Shou-hsin Teng)

• English It-extraposition and Its Corresponding Chinese Structures: A Corpus Study (英語it-移位句與其中文翻譯的語料庫研究)

/ 辜永峨(Yung-O Biq)

• 關於“ -也都很-"的關係分析法(The Relational Analysis of the Constituent Order for ‘-也都很-'' )

/李蓮花(Lianhua Li)

• Teaching Chinese Characters to CFL Learners in the Web 2.0

Era (互聯網第二代時期的對外漢字教學)

/劉士娟(Shijuan Liu)















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