您好,歡迎來到 Ur BEST 優百科網路書局

文鶴>精選簡易讀本>新版企鵝讀本(New Penguin Readers)

PR1:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (New Ed)(湯姆歷險記)

$170 $153  

PR2:A Christmas Carol (New Ed)(小氣財神)

$170 $153  

PR2:Pirates of the Caribbean (New Ed)(神鬼奇航)

$170 $153  

PR2:The Mummy (New Ed)(神鬼傳奇)

$170 $153  

PR2:The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories (New Ed)

$170 $153  

PR2:Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes (New Ed)

$170 $153  

PR2:Babe-The Sheep-Pig (New Ed)(我不笨,所以我有話要說)

$170 $153  

PR2:Heidi (New Ed)(小天使)

$170 $153  

PR3:Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (New Ed)

$200 $180  

PR3:Noughts and Crosses (New Ed)

$200 $180  

PR3:The Fugitive (New Ed)(絕命追殺令)

$200 $180  

PR3:Romeo and Juliet (New Ed)(羅密歐與茱麗葉)

$200 $180  

PR3:Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (New Ed)

$200 $180  

PR3:My Fair Lady (New Ed)(窈窕淑女)

$200 $180  

PR3:Notting Hill (New Ed)(新娘百分百)

$200 $180  

PR3:Forrest Gump (New Ed)(阿甘正傳)

$200 $180  

PR3:Vanity Fair (New Ed)(浮華世界)

$200 $180  

PR3:Matilda (New Ed)(小魔女)

$200 $180  

PR3:Stories from Shakespeare (New Ed)(莎士比亞故事集)

$200 $180  

PR3:Sense and Sensibility (New Ed)(理性與感性)

$200 $180  

PR3:Braveheart (New Ed)

$200 $180  

PR3:The No.1 Ladies Detective Agnecy (New Ed)

$200 $180  

PR4:Cinderella Man (New Ed) (最後一擊)

$190 $171  

PR4:The Client (New Ed)(終極證人)

$190 $171  

PR4:Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (New Ed)(福爾摩斯的三件奇案)

$190 $171  

PR4:Love Actually (New Ed)(愛是您愛是我)

$190 $171  

PR4:The Diary of a Young Girl (New Ed)(安妮的日記)

$190 $171  

PR4:Emma (New Ed)(艾瑪姑娘要出嫁)

$190 $171  

PR4:Gladiator (New Ed)神鬼戰士

$190 $171  

PR4:The Picture of Dorian Gray (New Ed)

$190 $171  

PR4:Far From the Madding Crowd (New Ed)

$190 $171  

PR4:The Breathing Method (New Ed)暫時停止呼吸

$190 $171  

PR5:The Talented Mr Ripley (New Ed)(天才雷普利)

$190 $171  

PR5:Tales from Shakespeare (New Ed)(莎士比亞戲劇集)

$190 $171  

PR5:Cold Mountain (New Ed)冷山

$190 $171  

PR5:The Phantom of the Opera(New Ed)歌劇魅影

$190 $171  

PR5:Pride and Prejudice (New Ed) 傲慢與偏見

$190 $171  

PR5:The Pelican Brief (New Ed)

$190 $171  

PR6:Misery (New Ed)(悲慘查斯頓)

$190 $171  

PR6:Saving Private Ryan (New Ed)

$190 $171  

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