您好,歡迎來到 Ur BEST 優百科網路書局


Improve Your Skills for IELTS 6-7.5 (Writing Skills)(with Key)

$540 $486  

Improve Your Skills for IELTS 6-7.5 (Reading Skills)(with Key)

$540 $486  

Improve Your Skills for IELTS 4.5-6 (Listening and Speaking Skills)(with Key+2 CDs)

$740 $666  

Improve Your Skills for IELTS 4.5-6 (Reading Skills)(with Key)

$540 $486  

Improve Your Skills for IELTS 6-7.5 (Listening and Speaking Skills)(with Key+2 CDs)

$740 $666  

Improve Your Skills for IELTS 4.5-6 (Writing Skills)(with Key)

$540 $486  

IELTS Express (Upper-intermediate) 2/e

$680 $612  

Achieve IELTS 1 2/e: Intermediate-Uppper Intermediate

$790 $711  

IELTS Express (Upper Intermediate)(Speaking Skills)(DVD)

$500 $450  

Achieve IELTS Practice Test Book (with 2 CDs)

$875 $788  

IELTS Express (Upper Intermediate) (2CDs)

$630 $567  

McGraw-Hills IELTS (with CDs)

$1050 $945  

Barrons IELTS 3/e (With 2 CDs)

$770 $693  

Check Your Vocabulary For: IELTS

$240 $216  

IELTS Graduation

$640 $576  

Improve your IELTS Skills:Reading Skills

$420 $378  

IELTS Testbuilder 2 (with 2 CDs)

$820 $738  

IELTS Express (Intermediate) (2CDs)

$600 $540  

Focus on IELTS

$640 $576  

Achieve IELTS 1 WB (with CD): Intermediate-Upper Intermediate

$400 $360  

IELTS Practice Tests (with key)

$600 $540  

IELTS Practice Tests (3 CDs)

$750 $675  

Official Guide to the GRE revised General Test 2/e

$1080 $972  

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2/e

$640 $544  

The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2/e

$640 $576  

Practicing to Take the GRE General Test 10/e

$840 $756  

Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015

$1400 $1260  

The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2/e, Quantitative Review 2/e 二本組合

$1280 $896  

Official Guide for GMAT Review 13/e

$1350 $1215  

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 12/e

$1295 $1166  

高頻率片語700(with 測驗卷)

$325 $293  


$150 $135  


$400 $360  


$300 $270  


$250 $225  

破解CBEST考試 數學科

$425 $383  

CSEPT全真模考應試錦囊 (Answerkey請mail索取)

$280 $252  

Proficiency Entry Tests (TM)

$250 $225  

First Certificate Practice Tests (3CDs)

$800 $720  

Proficiency Entry Tests

$450 $405  

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