您好,歡迎來到 Ur BEST 優百科網路書局


Pass the TOEIC Test Intermediate Course (with MP3 + Key audio s)

$750 $675  

Longman Preparations Series for the New TOEIC Test 5/e: More Practice Tests (with Key + MP3)

$680 $612  

Acquiring Proficiency in TOEIC Reading and Vocabulary (with MP3)

$480 $432  

新多益聽力技巧與解題練習(with 1CD)

$320 $288  

Testbuilder for the TOEIC (with 3 CDs)

$880 $792  

Taking the TOEIC 1 (with MP3)

$650 $585  

Taking the TOEIC 2 (with MP3)

$650 $585  

Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test (with 3 CDs)

$700 $630  

多益一路通(with MP3)(不含詳解)

$550 $495  

多益一路通(with MP3)(含詳解一本)

$900 $810  

TOEIC Test 文法語法(書+1CD)

$250 $225  

TOEIC Test單字片語(書+1CD)

$250 $225  

TOEIC Test誤文訂正(書+1CD)

$250 $225  

Longman Preparations Series for the New TOEIC Test 4/e (Intermediate)(單書含解答)

$780 $702  

Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test 3e (with MP3+Key)

$850 $765  

New TOEIC Preparation Course Book (3 CDs)

$375 $338  

Longman Preparations Series for the New TOEIC Test 4/e: More Practice Tests(單書含解答)

$670 $603  

Target TOEIC 2/e (with MP3)

$700 $630  

Barrons TOEIC 6/e (with MP3)

$1125 $1103  

Longman Preparations Series for the New TOEIC Test 5/e (with key + CD)(Intermediate)

$850 $765