您好,歡迎來到 Ur BEST 優百科網路書局



$400 $360  


$325 $293  


$525 $473  


$425 $383  

English for MICE(SB with MP3)

$460 $414  

Project Success (Intro)(with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

Project Success 1 (with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

Project Success 2 (with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

Project Success 3 (with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

Project Success 4 (with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

Project Success 5 (with Lab Code)

$720 $648  

English at Work 1 (with MP3)

$500 $495  

English at Work 2 (with MP3)

$550 $495  

English at Work 3 (with MP3)

$550 $495  

Ready for Business

$300 $270  

Effective Meetings (with CD)

$550 $495  

Doing Business On the Phone (with CD)

$500 $450  

Powerful Presentations (with CD)

$520 $468  

Getting the most out of Conference Calls (with CD)

$520 $468  

Socializing with Confidence(with CD)

$560 $504  

Emails That Mean Business(with CD)

$580 $522  

Quick Skills: Embracing Diversity

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Attitude & Self-Esteem

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Customer Service

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Decision Making & Problem Solving

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Handing Conflict

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Listening

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Managing Change

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Reading in the Workplace

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Self-Management & Goal Setting

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Speaking & Presenting

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Teamwork

$275 $248  

Quick Skills: Writing in the Workplace

$400 $360  

商務英文:聽力&會話養成(中階) Developing Business Contacts

$350 $315  

New Business to Business (Basic)(with MP3)

$325 $293  

New Business to Business (Intermediate)(with MP3)

$375 $338  

Longman Commercial Communication

$370 $333  

Build Your Business Grammar

$700 $630  

如何寫出正確的英文語句- Write Better Business Sentences (with answer key)

$300 $270  

如何寫出正確的英文語句- Write Better Business Sentences

$275 $248  

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