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Researching Vocabulary: A Vocabulary Research Manual

$1100 $990  

Research Using IT

$1000 $900  

Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar

$1560 $1404  

Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use : the Taipei Lectures

$200 $180  

A Study of the Stages of Development and Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese by Children in Taiwan

$250 $225  

Study Skills Handbook 3/e

$640 $576  

Understanding English Grammar: A Linguistic Approach

$700 $630  

Language Testing and Validation

$925 $833  

Researching Communication Disorders

$1000 $900  

Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Bilingualism and Multilingualism

$1120 $1008  

Contrastive Research & Crosslinguistic Influence (Revised Edition)

$600 $540  

Theories of Development 5/e

$860 $774  

The Foundations of Child Development

$750 $675  

Second Language Acquisition

$1420 $1278  

**Errors in Language Learning and Use

$760 $684  


$375 $338  

**台灣學生學英文的需求與興趣分析(Analysis of Taiwanese Needs and Interest in EFL Learning)

$375 $338  

**Introducing Second Language Acquistion

$900 $810  

**Language, Culture, and Communication 5/e

$840 $756  

**Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

$1100 $990